Glass House Farms Product Inquiry

asked questions
Where can I buy your products?
Can I return your products or get a replacement?
Do you offer tours of your farms?
At this time, we do not offer regular tours to the public out respect for our employees’ safety. Keep an eye on our email list, as we occasionally offer special opportunities to visit the farm. We hope to be able to offer this more broadly in the future.
How do I invest in Glass House Farms?
For more information about our parent company Glass House Group’s SPAC merger and how to invest, please check out
Do I need a medical license or card to buy your products?
No, you do not need a medical license to buy cannabis in California if you are over 21.
How much does your product cost?
Pricing for our products is determined by the final retailer, but generally speaking, we try very hard to make sure they’re priced as fairly and accessibly as possible.
How should I store your products?
Cannabis products are best stored in cool, dark, airtight containers. Higher temperatures and exposure to light can accelerate loss in aroma, potency, and general awesomeness.
Do you use harmful pesticides?
Our farms use all-natural biopesticides, in conjunction with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques. IPM is a method that relies on beneficial organisms to control unwanted ones
How do I choose the right product?
We classify our products into five categories ranging from sativa to indica, which in broad terms respectively reflect the wakefulness or sleepiness the product imparts. But for much more strain-specific information, check out our Products Page.
If I live out of state, can you ship your products to me?
Cannabis cannot legally be sent in the mail, so currently, our products are only available for purchase in licensed retail and delivery stores in California. Shop Now
Are your products tested?
Every product we sell is rigorously tested by cannabis testing laboratories licensed in the state of California. Lab results are certified and shared with all of our retailers, and California track and trace batch numbers are posted on every product you buy.
Are you a licensed cultivator?
Yes, we are fully licensed at the local and state levels.
License – CCL18-0000512